Socially sound
Rep theatre prepares for upcoming social issues play
Photo by: Aubrey Bollinger
Cassie Hurt-McLarty reads her script for the Social Issues play.
April 6, 2018
Every year, the repertory theatre class performs a social issue play. With the help of playwright Debbie Lamedman, theater director Greg Shaw and the repertory class create a production to spread awareness on various controversial issues in school.
The repertory class decided that this year’s show, which will be performed for the school on Friday, April 20, will explore discrimination.
“If we have preconceived notions of people based on their skin color, based on the activities they are involved in, based on their sexual orientation, that’s still discrimination,” Shaw said.
The play’s directing process is completely student-driven.
“The class does the casting,” Shaw said. “I want them to get the experience for what a director goes through when they try to figure out where to place people.”
Junior Julian Archuleta hopes his second social issues play performance will be just as impactful as his first.
“Last year, we did the show over depression, self-harm and suicide. It helped the friends of those who are going through that to see what they are going through,” Archuleta said. “I think it helps people open up their eyes to see both sides of the problem that we’re having. It helped people know what they should do to help the others.”
Archuleta witnesses discriminatory situations at school concerning racism.
“I’ve definitely seen the joking. Everyone does that. I’m friends with people of other races and we’ll make those jokes about each other. It has become a normal thing now, but it definitely shouldn’t be,” Archuleta said. “I, myself, have made jokes about race with my friends and I’m not racist, but I don’t realize that it could come off as racist. Some people actually go through racism and it hurts knowing that.”
Sophomore Mona Estes is another member in this year’s play. Estes has faced discrimination in the past regarding her race in and out of school.
“I was walking in a park one day and, as soon as I showed up, [an older white female] started screaming for me to get away from her kids,” Estes said. “Once, a student started whipping me and said that it was okay because I’d probably been through that before.”
By performing in this year’s show, Estes hopes to see change.
“You should never judge a person by the way they look on the outside,” Estes said. “It’s disgusting. It shouldn’t be a thing, but it definitely still is.”