Book Club to host first school-wide spelling bee
Photo by: Francisco Castaneda
During the Book Club’s first school-wide spelling bee, English teacher Emily Rountree, who is also the sponsor of the club, announces the next word for the contestant. Juniors Kylee Eidson (left) and Mikayla Kitchen — club officers — time the spelling and read along with the word.
April 10, 2019
The Book Club will be putting on a spelling bee at 6:00 p.m. in the PHS auditorium tomorrow, April 11.
With over 60 expected participants, the bee has had both high school students and a small group of middle school students sign up.
The club is offering prizes for both contestants in the bee and also raffle prizes at the door for people who attend.
“There’s a $100 prize package for the first place, a $25 prize package for second place and $10 prize package for the third place,” English teacher and book club sponsor Emily Rountree said. “The prize packages are mostly gift cards.”
The door prizes will consist mostly of hoodies and shirts, as well as books and gift cards. The club was able to offer these prizes through local business sponsorships.
“It’s been really cool to see how many businesses are interested in donating to us,” Rountree said. “That’s what we’ve been relying on for prize packages and for the door prizes and it’s been pretty overwhelming how much the community has supported this.”
Contributing businesses include Root Coffeehouse, Jock’s Nitch Sporting Goods, The Pitt, Gusano’s, The Mall Deli, Cafe Del Rio and more.
Although he has never participated in a Spelling Bee before, junior book club member M. Joseph Lee signed up when he learned about the prizes that were offered for competitors,
“The prizes were an influence; I want that $100,” Lee said.
Lee said he is excited and that if the spelling bee takes place next year, he would compete again.
According to Rountree, the goal of the spelling bee is to raise money for book purchases. Although the spelling bee is free to enter, donations are welcomed. As well as donations, a sale will be held during the spelling bee, in which baked goods will be available for purchase. The proceeds will be used for book purchases as well.
The purchased books will be distributed to students throughout the district. After the spelling bee, Rountree plans on going and reading to children throughout the district.
Rountree also wants to do the spelling bee again in years to come.
“It depends on our success this year,” Rountree said. “But…I think it’s a fun idea.”