As a 16-year-old girl who thoroughly enjoys pumpkin spice lattes, wears overly branded clothes and listens to Taylor Swift daily, I am often called a “basic white girl.” I don’t think that this is or should be an insult.
One of my biggest pet peeves is when people make others feel bad for liking something or being excited about something. It should not be your job to tell someone what they can or cannot like. People should feel free to enjoy things without the thought that they are doing something wrong or getting judged for liking something. This is one of the reasons that I find the term “basic white girl” so annoying.
New things are trending all the time. In order for an item to be trending, a lot of people would have to like it. However, most of these trending items are considered basic since so many people like them.
If enough people like something to call it basic, then there is probably a reason it is so “basic.”
One thing I often get called a “basic white girl” for is liking Taylor Swift. While this is often in fun, it can also get taken farther than just a simple phrase. This can often make me feel belittled and upset. I sometimes feel like there is something wrong with me for liking Taylor Swift’s music when people treat me the way they do when I say one little thing about her.
That goes back to the idea that we should not be putting people down for their likes and interests. If you don’t agree with someone’s opinion, don’t say anything about it.
It’s that simple.
I am self-aware enough to realize that I like a lot of things that are deemed basic. Yes, I enjoy pumpkin spice everything. I wear Lululemon. I watch Friends and reality TV shows. Along with this, I am also socially aware enough to realize that not everyone is going to like the same things that I do.
This doesn’t mean that I am going to shove these things down your throat or make you like them or get mad at you for not liking them. I might talk about them excessively, update you on the latest news surrounding that particular topic/item, or have that item with me at all times.
Yes, I am a basic white girl. But I am not ashamed. You shouldn’t be either. Embrace your basicness. Wear that Lululemon with pride. Scream those Taylor Swift lyrics at the top of your lungs. Drink a pumpkin spice latte every day. Enjoy it. You deserve to love the little things in life.