Homecoming recap
Photo by: Fran
Homecoming King Joseph Lee and Queen Jaya Minnifield
February 7, 2021
After the bells rang at 2:34 PM on Friday, Feb. 5, students headed to their study hall to watch the Virtual Winter Homecoming assembly.
The drumline started the show off by performing, then hostesses Alyvia Swartz and Annabella Beachner began the ceremony.
After welcoming everyone to the assembly, they introduced the seniors in encore to sing the National Anthem. Encore was directed by Susan Laushman.
After the National Anthem, Swartz introduced the senior band, dance team and cheer team onto the court. The band played the fight song while the cheer and dance team performed their dance routine.
Earlier within the week, advisory groups battled it out during a Kansas Kahoot. The top five teams sent a representative to compete for their study hall during the assembly for the Pittsburg High School trivia Kahoot.
Kaley Mussa represented Emily Smith’s study hall, Aiden Davis represented Stewart Perez’s study hall, Cheyanne Hunt represented Kristopher Crotts study hall, Traci Coonrad represented Megan Kells study hall, and Kali Terry represented Bridgett Lancaster’s study hall.
Senior Christopher Saman hosted the game, explained the rules and the games began, the students answered questions about Pittsburg High School. When checking scores, there was a three-way tie between Traci Coonrad, Cheyanne Hunt and Kaley Mussa. At the end of the game, Cheyanne Hunt brought Crott’s study hall to victory.
After the games, the homecoming candidates were introduced.
The candidates started off with junior candidate Joy Lee and junior candidate Jacob Mathew escorting each other in the court. Next was junior candidate Lola Southard, escorted by senior Malakai Courtney. After Southard, senior candidate Regan Carlson was escorted by last years homecoming king Senior Christopher Saman. Senior candidate Jaya Minnifield followed and was escorted by junior Todd Murray. After Minnifield, junior candidate Gabe Beaman was escorted by junior Elle Slaughter. Senior candidate Haiden McCoy was next, escorted by senior Hannah Abarca. Lastly, senior candidate Joseph Lee was escorted by senior Emily McGown.
After the introductions, Haiden McCoy was announced prince and Joy Lee was announced princess. The rest of the candidates were asked to step forward before the winners were announced.
Joseph Lee was crowned king, while Jaya Minnifield was crowned homecoming queen.
To mark the end of the assembly, Beachner and Swartz thanked the viewers for watching and reminded watchers to tune in and watch the basketball game against Independence later that evening.