Powerlifters prepare to host state meet on Feb. 29
Photo by: Joseph Lee
Senior Jason Campbell completes a power clean. His PR for power clean is 225 lbs.
February 26, 2020
The powerlifters have placed in the top three every tournament this season, including a second place finish at Basehor Linwood with 12 athletes.
For senior Jason Campbell, weeks before the tournament, certain training was utilized to be successful.
[I was] only lifting once a day, then I started lifting twice, and now it’s up to three times a day.” Campbell said.” [I do this] so that my muscles get that extra work that needs more volume to the workouts.”
According to senior powerlifter Aaron Woods, the majority of lifters have the same mentality when they walk up to the bar.
“I clear my mind. I don’t think of anything besides the weight on my back,” Woods said. “I’d say that [majority of lifters have this mentality,] because you don’t want to be thinking of anything else but just getting this weight up.”
According to Campbell, through every good season, there will always be struggles along the way.
“I haven’t gained any strength on the bench,” Campbell said. “I’ve stayed at 205 lbs. and that’s putting me at a disadvantage.”
According to Campbell, specific training is dedicated to overcoming these struggles.
“These next three weeks, I am going to hit the bench hard,” Campbell said. “I’m going to keep working at squat and clean, but the bench is going to be the main focus.”
On Feb. 29, Pittsburg hosts the State Powerlifting meet, and this will be the last tournament for seniors.
“State is a big deal for me, it’s my last go,” Campbell said. “I’m cutting weight for it and I’m making sure that not only am I making my lifts and getting my individual first-place medals, but I’m also helping the team.”
Woods specifically has a goal in mind for the state meet.
“My goal is to hit that 500 pounds, and attempt to break that power clean record,” Woods said. “I especially work on my cleans, and I just can’t wait to get out there and take the gold.”