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Student Media of Pittsburg High School

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Student Media of Pittsburg High School

Pitt Media

Nicole Konopelko won first place in Copy Editing and Editorial Writing at KSPA's Regional Contest.

Nicole Konopelko , Managing Editor

Nicole Konopelko is a junior at Pittsburg High School and the managing editor of The Booster Redux.he encourages anyone to contact her at [email protected] to pitch any story ideas. This is her third year on staff. She loves telling other people’s stories, especially through multimedia and has found a passion for journalism. 

All content by Nicole Konopelko
Illustration by: Lane Phifer and Jorge Leyva

Fostering a life

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
April 29, 2019
Sophomore Raign Estes exhibits her self imposed tattoos. She gave herself her first tattoo the summer before sophomore year at age 15 in her own home. "I love [my tattoos], but every time I tattoo myself, I kind of get in front of the mirror and check it out and say I need more," Estes said. "I learned to appreciate that those tattoos are more than just an image and they're an experience for me. I'll always remember the feeling of tattooing them on myself, the process of tattooing them and the time that I did it. I could probably look at each of these tattoos and go back to a day that I did them."

Creating irreversible masterpieces

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
February 26, 2019
Gallery: Senior night

Gallery: Senior night

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
February 24, 2019
Sophomore Logan Jones recently qualified for State Star event in FCCLA.

[Photo] Jones qualifies for FCCLA State Star Event

Story by Hannah Gray, Print Co-Editor, Online Co-Editor
February 6, 2019
The Booster Redux’s survey of 175 PHS students found that 114 students, or 65.1 percent, have used a JUUL, and 70 of those students have used it on school property.

Hidden Hits

Story by Nicole Konopelko and Emma Lawson
December 14, 2018
Vocal music director Susan Laushman accompanies and conducts during a Multigenerational Choir rehearsal. Laushman has been teaching music for 30 years. "I knew right off the bat that I would be a music educator," Laushman said. "I was accompanying as an elementary school student, if you can imagine that. I did not like college teaching at all. Once I settled into public school, I knew this was just the right place."

Scholarship dedicated to honor Laushman

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
November 29, 2018
Senior Nicole Konopelko shares her thoughts on student journalism at the Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference. 51 student journalists are selected to represent their state in the all-expenses paid journalism conference. This year, Konopelko represented Kansas.

Solidifying a passion

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
November 26, 2018
Head coach John Seal conferences with junior Sophia Shope after a match. Seal has coached Shope for her sophomore and junior years and also earned over 700 wins in his coaching career. "He's made me more confident in my ability to play and really encourages me to try my hardest ," Shope said. "[He] reminds me not to be hard on myself when I mess up."

[Photo] Seal of excellence

Story by Katie Painter, Designer/Reporter
October 30, 2018
Sitting on the soccer bleachers, junior Caden Bressler embraces his mom, Trasie, who was diagnosed with breast cancer last spring. Caden plays varsity soccer and Trasie is a member of the soccer booster club. "Having my mom in the stands makes me play better," Caden said. "I want to make her proud."

Surviving the battle

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
October 29, 2018

Painting For School Spirit

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
October 7, 2018
Last Friday, seniors Brett Wiemers and Ximena Ibarra were crowned homecoming king and queen at the Dragons' football game against the Fort Scott Tigers. The Dragons won the game 17-14 and are currently undefeated at home.

Homecoming Coronation and Football Game

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
September 24, 2018

PHS Dragons vs. Chanute Varsity Soccer Recap

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
September 17, 2018
“I may not know what I’m going to do, but I know who I am,” Kelsey said. “I am Tayten Kelsey. I am proud of myself. I am happy to be who I am.”

Learning to love yourself for who you love

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
July 7, 2018

Video: Gay Pride Day at PHS

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
May 17, 2018

Speaking Without Words: ASL Club

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
May 14, 2018
From left to right: seniors Alex Kafka, Chase Curtis, Jhalani Long and Tye Cicero.

The dogs are out

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
May 4, 2018
Freshman Emma Fischer scrambles to finish her homework before the clock strikes midnight.

Spreading too thin

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
May 4, 2018
Junior Morgan Noe, a member of the Get Busy Livin' (GBL) Club, converses with a Special Olympics athlete before awards. Noe, as well as 18 other members of the club, volunteered at the Special Olympics Track and Field tournament on Thursday, April 18 at the Robert Plaster Center's indoor football field. "I've gotten more experiences with the club," Noe said. "I've gotten to help the community and give back, which is what GBL is all about."

Following in Dylan’s footsteps

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
April 25, 2018
Art by: Gabe Anderson

A test from another universe

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
April 8, 2018
Richard Proffitt was named the new superintendent of USD 250.

District hires new superintendent

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
April 6, 2018

Faces of PHS | Hailey Denton

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
March 14, 2018

[Video] Faces of PHS | Jorge Leyva

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
February 27, 2018


Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
February 5, 2018
Art by Gabe Anderson

The Divided States of America

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
February 5, 2018
Abusing Power

Abusing Power

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
December 4, 2017
Students View Eclipse

Students View Eclipse

Story by Nicole Konopelko, Managing Editor
August 28, 2017
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