Drama department solves mystery of Clue

Andrea Bandy

Design by: Jazzi Ford and Natalie Hubbard

Story by Jace Harrison

On Oct. 15,17,18 someone was murdered at PHS. The other 14 were able to discover who the killer was, how the victim died, and where they died.

This is the plot of the play “Clue On Stage.” “Clue” is a famous board game where players go through different rooms, suspects and find weapons in an attempt to solve the murder. 

PHS has had many complications due to COVID-19, which has affected the production of the play. 

“A play is a different experience compared to the usual musicals. In all it’s just a whole other experience [because it is taken more seriously due to COVID-19]” said sophomore Ben Shawn, who portrays the Chief of Police in the play.

The performers practiced precautions to keep the play alive. They got through three successful shows and had lots of practices to make sure they were able to perform the play. The play’s safety rules were: limited contact onstage, first rows were blocked off, 150 person capacity limit, no direct seating behind or in front, masks required when in the audience, and four seats in between each party. Performers not on set had to wear masks and the only time they were allowed off was onstage. The performers also tried their best to social distance themselves.

According to Shawn, “Wearing masks, staying home, and social distancing as much as possible,” is how they stayed as safe as possible.

The performers enjoyed putting on a show even though it was made difficult due to Covid. Keller Erwin who played Mr. Boddy said he enjoyed the show because, “[Clue is my] favorite board game and it carries on Shaw’s legacy.”