Foreign exchange student joins PHS for junior year

Each year, thousands of international students come to America with the chance to go to an American high school and live with a host family. Junior Gabriel Vieira De Godois is one of them and this is his first year here at PHS. 

Gabriel is originally from Rio, Brazil, and decided to become a foreign exchange student for a multitude of reasons. 

“I’ve come to Pittsburg for two weeks and I can already tell that it was a good choice. Here the students get a better education and the teaching is better,” De Godois said. “I’ve learned English and I’m becoming more fluent already.”

Even though he likes it in Pittsburg, leaving his home country wasn’t easy. 

“Leaving my home country was hard and I miss my family a lot,” De Godois said. “But I have my host mother and host father. They are good people and they’ve helped me a lot.”

De Godois is already adapting to PHS and says he’s glad he made the right choice. 

“I think it was a good decision. I’ve made new friends and I even get to play my sport. I play varsity soccer,” De Godois said. “I really do like it here.”